Welcome to Intentional Culture!

Every new idea starts with the synthesis of many old ones. Intentional Culture is no different. It comes from a lifetime of reading business books of all types, trying new practices when the opportunities arise, and consulting with hundreds of companies that have demonstrated many practices, both good an bad.

Intentional Culture contains nothing new. That’s a bold claim for a system we think is game-changing. We are setting out to prove that all the good ideas are already out there. They just need to be packaged properly.

As the name implies, we contend that building a culture is the only sustainable way to create an environment where alignment and empowerment combine to create a powerful customer value-creation engine. Management consulting fads come and go. Good ideas emerge. Some are absorbed into common practice, while others prove to be short-lived. Yet, the organizations we consider to be truly great continue to outperform their competitors regardless.


The evidence overwhelmingly points to having a great culture. That doesn’t happen by chance. You must design such a culture…intentionally! The best time to build an Intentional Culture is when you are small. The return on investment for a small early startup with a few employees is too small. However, as your organization begins it’s rapid growth phase, the payoff is immeasurable (you can certainly measure some of the effects, but the long term effects get harder to attribute directly). The larger you get, the harder it will be to change your culture. At some point, it becomes close to impossible.

We invite you to be come an Intentional Club member. As a member, you will gain access to our book, Wildly Successful! An Intentional Culture Cookbook, tons of exclusive content, entrepreneur roundtable discussions, coaching, and more.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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