Intentional Culture System

Alignment is the key to rapid growth

A lightweight approach to sustainable change

We know that you’re busy moving your mission forward toward your vision. The Intentional Culture system delivers tailored dynamic foundations on which to build, with minimal disruptions to the flow of operations.

Lightweight leadership training

In this training, leaders will learn the importance of and how to practice:

Failure Recognition
Hiring for IQ & EQ
Evidence Based Decision-making

Ceremony definition and implementation

Ceremonies are different than meetings.

Ceremonies are structured ritual social interactions to complete an element of work. Unlike meetings, ceremonies have a highly defined structure to achieve a specific purpose. Ceremony has clearly defined::

And each ceremony is evaluated by three powerful questions:
Did it accomplish the purpose?

Was it worth the sacrifice?

Did it provide participants with positive emotional energy?

Embedded team-level coaching

The implementation of Intentional Culture cannot be imposed. It must be absorbed at a pace that works for each team. By embedding coaches in the teams, we can use an organic approach to implementing changes as the need emerges by observing how the team is performing and helping them identify priorities for change based on value. Once the team gets into the rhythm of this approach, coaches are no longer necessary for the change process to continue.

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Unlock your business’s true potential with our customized strategies and innovative solutions. Take your business to the next level.